The Concept of the Evolution of Music. Cassette, CD-Disk, Mp3 Player. Vintage and Modernity. Music Support.



We’re celebrating 90 years of Kentucky’s Credit Unions! Get ready for an unforgettable experience that sets the stage for a future filled with growth, innovation, and empowerment.

August 21-23, 2024

Central Bank Center

430 W Vine Street

Lexington, KY 40507

Abstract Retro style 80s-90s memphis geometrical pattern design comic pop art halftone background.

See you in Lexington!

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob
Pink and Yellow Telephones

We love the 90s!

As we gear up to celebrate 90 years of credit unions in Kentucky, ​excitement is building for what promises to be a truly memorable event.

From insightful speakers and top-of-mind topics to an elegant awards ​banquet and a nostalgic 90s-themed welcome dinner, this year's event is ​set to be a celebration of the rich history of Kentucky’s Credit Unions and a ​glimpse into the future of our industry.

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob



3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registration Open

7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Welcome Dinner


7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Breakfast in the Exhibit ​Hall

9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Welcome

9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Opening Keynote

10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Morning Break

10:30 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. General Session

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Grand ​Opening & Lunch

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. General Session

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. General Session

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Happy Hour

7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Awards Banquet


8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Advocacy Breakfast & Keynote

10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Morning Break

10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Members’ Business Meeting

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Emerging Leaders Session

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Closing Lunch & Keynote


The world is changing… and so are Kentucky’s Credit ​Unions!

Your credit union operates in an ever-changing world, including increased regulatory scrutiny and ​competitive pressures, a volatile interest rate environment, and elevated consumer expectations and ​demands. To overcome these obstacles and capture opportunities you’ve needed to become more ​agile, responsive, and adaptive.

The League is no different. We’re looking to become an even better partner to your credit union by ​enhancing the great services we’ve performed historically for you with exciting, new programs and ​partners. Regardless of the size or complexity of your credit union, the League can bring additional ​value to your organization.

In this session, Kentucky’s Credit Unions President Jim Kasch will share how the League is evolving in ​response to these challenges, including information on our commitment to legacy support and brand ​new initiatives. You’ll also hear important updates regarding electronic liens and titles coming to ​Kentucky very soon.

jim kasch

Jim Kasch is the President of Kentucky's Credit Unions. Before joining the ​League in September 2023, Jim spent 25 years working for and with credit ​unions across the country. His work experience included time as a senior ​leader at Parners Federal Credit Union (Disney) and as the CEO of Darden ​Employees Federal Credit Union. He then spent nearly a decade as a ​consultant helping credit unions set decisive and effective strategy.

Jim has been a featured speaker for credit union associations across the ​country. He holds an MBA from Stetson University in DeLand, Florida.

the state of kentucky’s credit unions

Measuring Member Engagement is a critical component to any successful plan. Engaged members ​do more business with the credit union and are less likely to leave. How engaged are your members?

Earlier this summer, Kentucky credit union members, belonging to different credit unions across the ​state, responded to a member engagement survey from our partners at Surveys@11. The survey ​measured both attitudinal loyalty (how they feel about their credit union) and behavioral loyalty ​(what they do with their credit union). Join Tonya for this enlightening session where she shares the ​overall statewide results – how engaged are Kentucky’s credit union members, and what ​observations or lessons can we derive from the data?

Also in this session, representatives from Kentucky’s Credit Unions will provide some context around ​recent growth trends of our credit unions.

Tonya Voltolina

Tonya Voltolina is the founder of Eleven Performance Group, which boasts ​twenty-five years’ experience in the credit union industry including ​leadership development, consumer and employee insights, sales and service, ​HR and training, operations, and risk management. Prior to founding Eleven ​Performance Group, Tonya spent nearly 15 years in credit union leadership, ​including executive roles in finance and human resources. She has excelled in ​running nearly every functional area within credit unions, providing her with ​unique insights which she uses to improve organizational and talent ​performance for her clients.

U.S. Economic Outlook & its Impact on Credit unions

The U.S. economy is experiencing historic demand and supply shocks leading to the highest inflation ​in 40 years. The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates at the fastest pace in 40 years. What will ​higher interest rates do to the economy in 2024 and beyond? Are fundamental changes in the jobs ​market apt to cause long-term labor shortages and wage pressures? Explore the possible paths of ​the economy and what impact it will have on credit union balance sheets and income statements for ​the next two years.

steve rick

Steve Rick is a director and the chief economist for TruStage in Madison, ​Wisconsin.

His primary responsibilities include conducting strategic research, analysis, ​and forecasting of the financial services industry with special emphasis on ​the consumer and credit union markets.

Rick’s forecasts serve as a starting point for the strategic planning process ​and help to create a clear understanding of the underlying trends and links ​between the general economy, the financial services industry, and TruStage’s ​policy owners.

Driving Growth through Innovation and Strategic Fintech


Join us for an in-depth discussion on strategies to grow your credit union by expanding your ​innovative product and service offerings for members. Discover how to successfully navigate a fintech ​partnership from the pilot phase to a full membership launch, with a strong emphasis on execution. ​We'll also explore how fostering innovation can drive external growth and ensure your credit union’s ​long-term success.

april clobes

April Clobes, President and Chief Executive Officer of Michigan State ​University Federal Credit (MSUFCU) joined the Credit Union in 1996 and ​moved through many positions within the organization prior to being named ​President and CEO in 2015. Clobes serves as the CEO of the Reseda Group, ​MSUFCU’s wholly owned Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO) formed in ​2021. Clobes has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing from Michigan State ​University, a Master of Arts Degree from Michigan State University in ​Advertising, and a Master of Business Administration from Western Michigan ​University.

Named as one of the Most Powerful Women in Credit Unions by American ​Banker, Clobes has been a transformational leader for technology in the ​Credit Union industry. Since developing MSUFCU’s first website in 1998 to ​launching two digital-only brands, Collegiate Credit Union and AlumniFi, in ​2023, Clobes has distinguished herself as a visionary in technology and ​innovation.

Clobes serves on six (5) FinTech Advisory Boards in addition to several others ​that support the business and credit union communities. Clobes won the ​Credit Union Times Luminary Award for Innovation in Technology in 2022. ​The Reseda Group received the 2023 CUSO of the Year Award through the ​National Association of Credit Union Service Organizations (NACUSO). The ​Reseda Group and Clobes have been featured in many FinTech and industry ​publications for their work in innovation and revolutionizing the Credit Union ​industry.

Advocacy breakfast keynote

Please join us for this year’s Advocacy Breakfast for a discussion with Credit Union friend and ​Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams. Hear from Secretary Adams in a fireside chat touching ​on the importance of Credit Unions and their work to uplift local communities and build trust among ​community members. In addition, hear directly from the Commonwealth’s Chief Election Official ​regarding all the work the Secretary of State’s office undertakes to ensure that Kentucky has safe, fair ​and successful elections.

Michael g. Adams, ky secretary of state

Michael G. Adams is Kentucky's 86th Secretary of State and the 77th person ​to serve in that role.

Michael attended McCracken County public schools and was the first in his ​family to get a bachelor's degree. After graduating from the University of ​Louisville, Michael attended Harvard Law School on low-income aid. ​Returning to Kentucky, Michael clerked for Chief U.S. District Judge John ​Heyburn, worked on Senator Mitch McConnell's 2002 reelection campaign ​staff, and served as Deputy General Counsel to Governor Ernie Fletcher, ​before moving to Washington to accept an appointment as Counsel to the ​U.S. Deputy Attorney General in the second Bush Administration.

emerging leaders general session

The Kentucky Credit Union League is proud to sponsor the Emerging Leaders Program — a program ​designed to bring up-and-coming credit union professionals to the next level and prepare them for ​leadership roles within the credit union movement. In this session, Emerging Leaders will apply the ​skills they’ve learned by presenting a topic of importance to the credit union movement.

The 2024 Emerging Leaders Program began in January with participants from 10 credit unions.

Participants attended six 1-day sessions on topics specifically geared towards credit union history and ​philosophy, financials, professionalism and leadership, and political advocacy.

Getting unstuck: Looking back to move forward

Stephanie will share insights from her memoir, "UnStuck: Revival of an American Icon," offering tips for ​revitalizing your credit union and brand. With no prior entrepreneurial experience, Stephanie saved ​her family's business by embracing her weaknesses and celebrating her strengths, rising at 5 a.m. to ​follow her grandfather's ideals: work hard, be fair, and have fun.

Stephanie's grandfather built Stuckey's into an American icon, and she applies his wisdom today. By ​reflecting on the past and innovating for the future, credit unions can similarly energize their mission, ​enhance member engagement, and drive growth. Stephanie's journey provides a roadmap for ​balancing tradition with adaptation in a changing market.

Stephanie Stuckey

Stephanie Stuckey is the Chair of Stuckey’s, the roadside oasis famous for its ​pecan log rolls. The company was founded by Stephanie’s grandfather, W.S. ​Stuckey, Sr., as a pecan stand in Eastman, GA in 1937 and grew to over 350 ​stores across the country. The company was sold in 1964 but is now back in ​family hands and making a comeback.

Stephanie took over the company in November of 2019 and, under her ​leadership, Stuckey’s has purchased a pecan-shelling and candy-​manufacturing facility in Wrens, GA, revamped its distribution operations ​based in Eastman, GA, acquired a healthy pecan-snack company, rebranded ​its products and website, added four new franchised stores, expanded its B2B ​retail customer base, and increased online sales 550% — all while weathering ​the COVID-19 pandemic.

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob


Advanced Registration Required.

CD and Cassette Player

Golf Outing

University Club of Kentucky

We​lcome Dinner

Welcome to the 90s

Enjoy a relaxed round of golf at your own ​pace! This year, we're skipping our usual ​tournament format but still hosting a golf ​outing. Feel free to form your own foursome, ​or register individually, and we'll set you up ​with a group.

University Club Lexington

4850 Leestown Rd

Lexington, KY 40511

To kick off our conference in style, we're ​hosting a fun and nostalgic 90s-themed ​welcome dinner. Dust off your flannel shirts, ​grab your scrunchies, and get ready to ​relive the glory days of the 90s!

This welcome dinner is going to be “all that ​and a bag of chips!”

When: Wednesday, August 21

Times starting at: 8am

Attendee Cost: $75/player

Exhibitor Cost: $85/player

When: Wednesday, August 21

Time: 7pm - 9:30pm

Cost: $125/person

Chicken Wings
Gold trophy on the background bokeh lights for the award ceremony

Hot Wings Eating Contest

featuring Andrew Barr

Awards Banquet

featuring Entertainment

Credit Union BFF, Andrew Barr, is ​challenging YOU to a hot wings eating ​contest during the Welcome Dinner on ​Wednesday night.

All proceeds benefit the “Preserve Our ​History” fund where we will be scanning and ​storing historical documents and photos ​from Kentucky’s Credit Union’s past.

One of the highlights of our conference is ​the prestigious awards banquet, where we ​will recognize and celebrate the ​achievements of outstanding credit unions ​and individuals. From innovation and ​leadership to community impact, these ​awards showcase the best of the best and ​inspire others to reach new heights of ​excellence.

When: Wednesday, August 21

Times starting at: 8pm

Cost: $50/person

When: Thursday, August 22

Time: 7pm - 9:30pm

Cost: $125/person

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob


Prices are per person.

2-Day Conference:

1-Day Conference

(Thursday Only):

1-Day Conference

(Friday Only):

Education Sessions




Guest Registration:

Includes: Guest badge, entry to Exhibit Hall and conference meal functions (ticketed events are not included)

Guest Registration


Ticketed Events

Golf Outing



Welcome Dinner:

Awards Banquet:





Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob


Hyatt Regency Lexington

401 W High Street

Lexington, KY 40507

ROOM RATE: $169 per night

Reservation Deadline: July 30, 2024


If you do not plan to attend the Annual Meeting & Conference but would like to ​attend the Wednesday morning Members’ Business Meeting ONLY, please ​complete the Business Meeting Registration form.


The Exhibit Hall showcases a variety of credit-union-specific products and ​services. Take advantage of this opportunity to investigate new products and ​meet with current suppliers.


This event would not be possible without the support of our sponsors!

Premier Sponsor

Elite Corporate Sponsor


badges must be worn.

Badges are specially marked to determine admission to conference activities.


Attire for the conference is business casual. Be sure to bring a sweater or light jacket, as personal comfort levels may vary.

For the Awards Banquet, cocktail or business professional attire is preferred but not required.

ticketed events.

Additional registrations are required to attend the Golf Outing, Welcome Dinner, and Awards Banquet.

Vendors only: Additional registration is required to attend the Advocacy Breakfast & Keynote.

safety & wellness.

Kentucky’s Credit Unions is committed to hosting a safe event that brings the credit union community together. To ensure the highest level of safety for all attendees and guests we encourage anyone who is feeling unwell is encouraged to stay home.

cancellation policy.

Refunds will be issued until 14 days prior to the conference less a $100 administration fee per person. No refunds for cancellations within 14 days of event. Substitutions accepted anytime. All cancellations/substitutions must be submitted in writing.

download the app.

Ready to attend VISION 2024? We will be using an online platform called Whova for our event.

You can Download the Whova Mobile App or access it from the web platform on desktop.